How to know if you are a writer
Have you wonder if you can write a story? The answer can be yes. If you have this question here is a relief. There are some of qualities if you have the answer will be yes.
If you like telling stories. People who normally narrates current events like what happened in the village or estate are considered potentially best story writers. This is because they have that ability to to memories events easily and can create the vivid picture of it. The other thing is they are used to that means they won't get tired doing but the only problem is putting it on a piece of writing. If you have that skills you can easily develop the other because it's only a matter of practice or you can record your voice. Many people have been recording there work and they're doing well so you can try it.
Do you like listening or watching news? If the answer is yes then which kind? This will take you easily to consider which kind of story you like. If you like tragic news then you are probably the best person to write mysteries since you have been following events from the roots to the harvest. This is because you have have the pictures of the scene in your mind. This will make you easily create story in your mind which flow. Are you one of this kind? Then you are a writer the only thing you have to do is to imagine a story and put it on a book.
If you like reading stories or novels. Of course reading makes us stress free and more creative but there's a value over that. Because you are used to stories and your imagination have been broaden. To differentiate you from other common readers you normally think beyond the text. Also you can easily get the hidden idea in the text. Normally you feel that something should have been added to make the story more enjoyable. That is one of the greatest indication that you are a writer. The other thing is when you find a word you're not sure of you take a note and search for the meaning.
You always have ideas visiting your mind whenever you're doing other things. Writers usually get their ideas unexpectedly for instance you might be in the farm weeding your vegetable the story pop's in your mind or even taking shower either work you might be doing. The minds of writers normally are full of sketches and maps of their ideas. But how to they do to make this reall?. This is when the note book is important since you need to always record or else it will disappear. Remember that a mind of a writer thinks million words per minute. But you don't have to stress your self of how you're getting notebook, just use the one you have. What if you can access you can just record your voice on the phone.
Talking less. When you talk alot you drain ideas in your mind. Writers usually put their words on papers not people ears. This is because writers needs total concentration for them to create good plot.
Have fillings to write. Have you thought of writing? If yes then you are a writer and you don't need some one else to tell you that. The best thing is to start writing and avoid disbelieve. It's that passion in you which normally makes the difference. I know that you think you are not an expert in writing but who said those writers you have read their books were born experienced? Everything starts a small as they have said "a journey of a thousand miles start with a single step"as time goes you will be gaining experience. Just ignite your project and you will see it running smoothly.